Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

What Thanksgiving food are you based on your zodiac sign

  1. Aries
  • As an Aries, you are mashed potatoes. Just like mashed potatoes, your boldness and honesty is needed this Thanksgiving. 
  1. Taurus
  • As a Taurus, you’re stuffing. This dish is a reliable favorite, and you are just as dependable and stubborn. Everyone looks forward to you on Thanksgiving.
  1. Gemini
  • If you’re a Gemini, then you’d definitely be mac and cheese. Mac and cheese is fun and enjoyable. As a Gemini, you are an adaptable person, and similar to mac and cheese, everyone loves you.
  1. Cancer
  • If you’re a Cancer, then your dish would be pumpkin pie. Pumpkin pie is a sweet, attention-grabbing dessert. You’re an intuitive, sensitive person that makes everyone’s day,  just like a warm slice of  pumpkin pie. 
  1. Leo
  • A Leo would definitely be cranberry sauce. This iconic yet simple dish represents your honest, confident and loyal personality. Cranberry sauce is often under-appreciated, but when it’s not on the table everyone will notice, similar t0 how your friends miss you when you’re not with them. 
  1. Virgo
  • The Virgo would be the sweet potato casserole. Just like the sweet potato casserole, perfection is due to your hard work, and the attention to detail never goes unnoticed. Whether or not everyone eats the dish, everyone can appreciate its beauty. 
  1. Libra
  • As a Libra, your Thanksgiving dish is the infamous apple pie. You are a balanced, compassionate and artistic individual. Apple pie is a work of art that is admired and savored for the end of the meal. Thanksgiving dinner is incomplete without you and your humor.
  1. Scorpio
  • Every Thanksgiving dinner needs the gravy, just as everyone needs to be friends with a Scorpio. Scorpios, just like gravy, are dependable and persistent. You are brave and get possessive over your loved ones, like gravy is to Turkey. 
  1. Sagittatus 
  • A Sagittatus resembles the Thanksgiving dinner roll. Although rolls are simple and honest, they also are a vital part of every dinner. You are an adventurous and optimistic person who always sees the best in people. A small side that makes a big impact.
  1. Capricorn
  • Capricorn’s are perfectly representative of a classic Thanksgiving salad. You’re a perfect mix of ambition, perseverance, and structure just like the parts of a salad. The Thanksgiving dinner salad has something for everyone, just like your personality. 
  1. Aquarius 
  • No Thanksgiving dinner is complete without the turkey, just how the signs are incomplete without the Aquarius. You are independent, creative and care about the people around you. Just how turkey turns the dinner into a feast, you turn every moment into a memory by supporting your friends and family. 
  1.  Pisces 
  • Last but definitely not least, the Pisces goes hand in hand with green beans. A dish that is classic yet malleable. You’re compassionate, empathetic and love the spotlight, exactly like the ruler of all Thanksgiving side dishes. 

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