On Tuesday, September 10 at 8 p.m. the Hansen Student Center held an event that allowed students to witness what I view as an integral part of American political culture: the presidential debate. Few attended that night, though I hope that every student on campus who plans to vote and fulfill their American civic duty watched from a different location. I pride myself on thinking deeply about the box I’m checking when I step into that voting booth, and I ask you all to do the same.
I believe modern American political culture hyper-focuses on persona over policy substance. I encourage everyone to consider how lionizing our candidates based on cultural or personality differences can inherently cause us to lose sight of what should be our true focus–policy. I see people discussing our presidential and vice presidential candidates’ character and personality more frequently than I see people discuss their political agendas. While I concede the importance of character, the constant demonization of political opponents has replaced a keen analysis of their respective positions on important social issues that might help America take a step forward.
Lost in the pomp and circumstance of Tuesday night’s debate were the candidate’s policy positions. The event coverage centered on personality, slights, and outrageous lies. While these topics did round out the discussion nicely, the fixation on persona diverted the debate away from talk of important future policies, such as abortion and fertility treatment, border control, the economy, and more. Clearly, one was prepared with multiple plans for our nation, while the other seemed to be preoccupied with personal attacks and ‘concepts of a plan.’ I believe voters should have two competing visions from each candidate. From what I saw, former president Donald Trump gave information with little merit. Kamala Harris, however, led me to believe that she has definite plans.

Harris supporters, Trump supporters and the undecided all have one job as members of a democracy: to choose a candidate. We, as a union with a sufficient president, can take conscious steps forward, much like President Kennedy led us to a new era of space exploration, Abraham Lincoln changed the course of America’s history of slavery, and when our Founding Fathers signed a declaration that gave birth to this nation.
Let’s take a step forward together. Every vote matters, and I encourage everyone to make an informed choice based on substance.