Sat. Mar 15th, 2025

The real costs of minimum wage: a comedic opinion

It has come to this. I am sitting in my house talking to my dog when I ask, “How do I live in this world?”

My dog, Loki, does not speak much English. He tilts his head to tell me, “What the hell are you talking about?”

So I go off. I wanted to understand the problem. I wanted answers. Since Loki was the only one awake and in the house at the time, my dilemma was left up to his canine wisdom.

I made less than minimum wage at Olive Garden. I barely got livable wages with the tips I got. I could only afford my phone and car bills, auto insurance, medical costs, Loki, his brother and the little bits of pleasure I allowed myself was because all I ate was the free pasta I got from work. I live with my mother so I don’t have to pay rent.

Even now as I have a new job making only a little above minimum wage I am still left to wonder how I am to make a living in this world.

Loki whined in reply to my musings, probably to shut me up. But I was on a roll. I was determined to get an answer even out of this dog.

His only responsibilities are to eat, sleep, play and go outside. His life is easy.

But I have to take classes to get a degree so I can get a job that pays more than minimum wage.

Minimum wage is supposed to be the basic cost of living. How does it make sense that minimum wage can’t pay for someone’s basic needs? 

Illinois minimum wage is currently at 14 per hour, soon to be 15. That’s an average salary of $26,000 per year. How is that fair?

Loki offered no comment on this issue. Not even a basic look in the eye to tell me that he understood any of this.

Fed up with my pestering, he then slid off the couch to walk away.

I am still left with the burning desire to know why minimum wage is something no one can live on when that is the supposed standard. Why can’t we pay for rent on one minimum wage job alone? Why can’t we feed ourselves with it? Why can’t we pay for a phone and a car with it? These expectations are unjust and unfair and no one seems to be doing anything about it. 

Again I ask, how do we live in this world? 

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