Sat. Mar 15th, 2025

Aspiration Fountain is not a trashcan

This semester, I’ve noticed that campus developed a problem with properly disposing of their trash, specifically of the alcohol container variety. As someone who lives in the mini quad and has to walk past Aspiration Fountain to access most of campus, I’ve seen everything thrown into the fountain drain. From food waste and empty beer cans to large empty wine bottles, there’s always something in there–and that’s on top of the occasional vulgar drawing. 

Every time I see trash in the fountain, I feel like screaming. Not only is it not somewhere to dispose of trash, but it is also an  art installation. It should be culturally unacceptable to blatantly deface a sculpture like this. Aspiration Fountain is meant to be a focal point of campus for incoming students to envision their next four years on campus during orientation week. It is a bad reflection of the student body to current students and faculty, and it’s off putting to prospective students touring the campus with their families. Our freshman year we chalk our aspirations around the fountain, and one week later we’re throwing trash at it, what gives?

Leaving your trash lying around haphazardly is also potentially harmful to animals like the campus squirrels and neighborhood dogs. Just today, I was walking behind a woman who was walking her dog past the and she had to yank him backward by his leash to keep him from trying to eat the trash next to the fountain. 

My opinion on residence hall cleanliness applies here as well–you or someone you know pays for you to attend a private university, and junking it up is simply disrespectful to the money that goes into the institution.

Whether you’re on your way to or from a party on campus, or you’re having an indulgent night in, it’s not going to kill you to look for a trash can or recycling bin. There are bins all around campus, including the quad and in front of the memorial center, CNS and dorm entrances. No matter what path you’re taking across campus, you’re sure to walk past at least one trash can.

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